Function matchesProperty

  • Creates a function that checks if a given target object matches a specific property value.

    The returned function takes a target object and determines if the property at the specified path within the target object is equal to the given value.


    • property: PropertyKey | readonly PropertyKey[]

      The property path to check within the target object. This can be a single property key or an array of property keys.

    • source: unknown

      The value to compare against the property value in the target object.

    Returns ((target?: unknown) => boolean)

    • A function that takes a target object and returns true if the property value at the given path in the target object matches the provided value, otherwise returns false.
      • (target?): boolean
      • Parameters

        • Optionaltarget: unknown

        Returns boolean

    // Using a single property key
    const checkName = matchesProperty('name', 'Alice');
    console.log(checkName({ name: 'Alice' })); // true
    console.log(checkName({ name: 'Bob' })); // false

    // Using an array of property keys
    const checkNested = matchesProperty(['address', 'city'], 'New York');
    console.log(checkNested({ address: { city: 'New York' } })); // true
    console.log(checkNested({ address: { city: 'Los Angeles' } })); // false