Function estTemplate

  • Compiles a template string into a function that can interpolate data properties.

    This function allows you to create a template with custom delimiters for escaping, evaluating, and interpolating values. It can also handle custom variable names and imported functions.


    • string: string

      The template string.

    • Optionaloptions: TemplateOptions

      The options object.

    • Optionalguard: unknown

      The guard to detect if the function is called with options.

    Returns ((data?: object) => string) & {
        source: string;

    Returns the compiled template function.

    // Use the "escape" delimiter to escape data properties.
    const compiled = template('<%- value %>');
    compiled({ value: '<div>' }); // returns '&lt;div&gt;'
    // Use the "interpolate" delimiter to interpolate data properties.
    const compiled = template('<%= value %>');
    compiled({ value: 'Hello, World!' }); // returns 'Hello, World!'
    // Use the "evaluate" delimiter to evaluate JavaScript code.
    const compiled = template('<% if (value) { %>Yes<% } else { %>No<% } %>');
    compiled({ value: true }); // returns 'Yes'
    // Use the "variable" option to specify the data object variable name.
    const compiled = template('<%= data.value %>', { variable: 'data' });
    compiled({ value: 'Hello, World!' }); // returns 'Hello, World!'
    // Use the "imports" option to import functions.
    const compiled = template('<%= _.toUpper(value) %>', { imports: { _: { toUpper } } });
    compiled({ value: 'hello, world!' }); // returns 'HELLO, WORLD!'
    // Use the custom "escape" delimiter.
    const compiled = template('<@ value @>', { escape: /<@([\s\S]+?)@>/g });
    compiled({ value: '<div>' }); // returns '&lt;div&gt;'
    // Use the custom "evaluate" delimiter.
    const compiled = template('<# if (value) { #>Yes<# } else { #>No<# } #>', { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g });
    compiled({ value: true }); // returns 'Yes'
    // Use the custom "interpolate" delimiter.
    const compiled = template('<$ value $>', { interpolate: /<\$([\s\S]+?)\$>/g });
    compiled({ value: 'Hello, World!' }); // returns 'Hello, World!'
    // Use the "sourceURL" option to specify the source URL of the template.
    const compiled = template('hello <%= user %>!', { sourceURL: 'template.js' });